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District Info

D.C. Everest Area School District

At D.C. Everest, we prepare our students for rapidly evolving career opportunities by helping them develop the academic, career and life skills they need to take advantage of these prospects: the ability to communicate, collaborate, think critically and creatively, investigate, innovate, solve problems and persevere. To serve the best interests of our students, and the world at large, we help students become adept at applying what they’ve learned to real-world challenges while building a better path to the future.

Discovering and Developing Talent

Our goal is to ensure our students have the skill set to begin the next stage of their life in the “right place” — be it a job, the military, a technical college or four-year university. To develop those skills, we help students discover what their talents are, locate where their interests lie, determine what career paths suit their goals and provide them with hands-on educational opportunities across the academic, extracurricular and real world spectrum. We monitor and assess each individual to be certain he or she is sufficiently challenged, and utilize universal screening tools to:

  • Discover students who may benefit from more challenging academic options
  • Determine what assistance and intervention programs best suit a student’s needs
  • Identify students who may benefit from behavioral and mental health supports

Taking Risks and Trying New Things

To prepare our students for the 21st century, we adapt our curriculum and instructional strategies to match the pace of technology and the needs of the workplace. We encourage our students and teachers to take risks — to try new things, develop innovative means of instruction and embrace diverse learning and presentation methods. Our district is willing to push boundaries and seek innovative means of breaking down barriers that are holding back the next generation. We are early adopters who are leading educational transformation that will benefit our students and our world — and we take great pride in that.