Teachers and Administrators have Digital Citizenship lessons with all students. In conjunction with this, it is always a good time for a family discussion to remind children on the importance of being a responsible digital citizen.
Here is a checklist, taken from the Department Public Instruction (DPI) website:
Are you using the Internet and Apps safely and responsibly? Use the following checklist to be sure you are:
- I do not do anything that hurts others or is illegal.
- I do not give out any personal information such as phone number, email, address without my parents’ permission.
- I never agree to get together with someone I “meet” online without first checking with my parents.
- I don't respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. Instead, I tell my parent or teacher.
- I always talk with my parents before posting pictures of myself or my family online to be sure it is appropriate.
- I only share my passwords with my parents and NO ONE else.
- I always check with my parents before downloading or installing anything on your computer or mobile device so we protect our privacy.
- I never open an email or message from a stranger as it may contain inappropriate content or a virus that could harm your computer or mobile device.
Gaggle for 4th-12th Grade
Gaggle provides safe, online learning solutions. D.C. Everest uses Gaggle to ensure the safety and well-being of students and schools, so our teachers can focus on education. Gaggle offers insights and analytics on violations and incidents when students use school-provided communication and collaboration tools such as email, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
For more information visit Gaggle Safety Management for Students.
Content Keeper Filtering for All Students
Content Keeper filters internet traffic in order to block inappropriate web content on school devices — both on and off campus.