Free & Reduced Meals
Free and Reduced Meal Program
The D.C. Everest Area School District is proud to offer schoolmeals with a wide variety of fresh, local, and homemade foods. Students will be charged for meals based on their paid, free or reduced meal status. If you family needs assistance we encourage you to apply for free and reduced meals.
Apply for Free/Reduced Meals
Free and Reduced Meals Application for the 2024-2025:
Free and Reduced Meal Application - English
Free and Reduced Meal Application - Hmong
Free and Reduced Meal Application - Spanish
You can apply for free/reduced meals, by submitting the completed application using one of the following options:
- Bring the completed form in person to your school's attendance secretary or guidance office
- Return the completed form to your student(s) school
Free/Reduced Meal Application Instructions
Free/Reduced Meal Application Instructions - English
Still Have Questions?
We can help!
Contact the School Nutrition Office:
- Send an email with questions about Free/Reduced meals
- Call: 715-241-9700 ext. 2407